Are you aware that students with disabilities are participating with their school groups during skating programs; Sledge equipment has made it possible to remove participation barriers for students who have a disability. Cameron M was the first student to use his sledge to access a phys ed credit at Dakota high school. Phys ed and Hockey coach Ray A thought outside the box and invited Cam to skate with the Dakota Blazers hockey team every practice; this earned Cam his phys ed credit. Fast forward to 2019 and numerous students are now taking part with their classmates during learn to skate programs throughout the city. No longer do students have to stay in the class room or watch from the sidelines while fellow students enjoy the benefits of ice skating/hockey; Through on ice workshops and equipment loans by SMD all students can participate in the joy of skating; One such person who is now enjoying the pleasures of skating with her classmates and the hockey academy is Natalia D from Kenora who skated with her grade 7 hockey academy and is now skating with her grade 8 hockey academy classmates. Natalia has progressed in the sport very nicely and is turning out to be an excellent player. Natalia joins the Manitoba Sledge Hammers when they travel to tournaments and is a leader on the squad; we are so proud of her as she continues to break down barriers and improve in the sport she is so passionate about. Pretty COOL NATALIA!!!!!!!!
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