Hello everyone, Sledge Hockey Manitoba is conducting a fundraiser, there are black face masks with the sledge hockey logo on the side that are for sale. The masks are adjustable, there is also a smaller size for children 12 and under. The masks are being sold for 15$ per mask. If you are interested please contact Richard Lambert the president of Sledge Hockey Manitoba at: [email protected]. Payment can be done through e-transfer at the same address, with the order only being placed after payment is received. If you do not have e-transfer payment by cheque is doable, just make sure the cheque is made out to Richard.
This is a great opportunity to raise some money for the program as well as keeping people safe during this surreal time.
Hello everyone, with the province moving to code red it can be difficult to find activities to do to keep everyone busy. Below is a link to the Canadian Eboccia open that will start on November 24th. This event is open to any and everyone, all that is required is a device. This event will be a plethora of fun regardless of whether you have any experience or knowledge on boccia. It is a good opportunity to try a new sport even during the current climate! I encourage everyone to click the link below that will direct you to the information page that outlines the event.
Hi everyone, As many of you may be aware the Winnipeg region is slated to move to code red on the Pandemic Response System at midnight November 2nd which includes the closure of arenas and pausing of all sport and recreation programming. The Iceplex will close effective today October 30, 2020 at 5:00pm and will reopen when safe to do so. We will be suspending the Sledge Hockey season for now; and we hope following this suspension we will be able to get back to the game we all love soon enough. Take care, stay safe and well. We hope to see you all again soon, please reach out if you need anything. Hello we are inviting parents and guardians of children and youth with disabilities to participate in a new survey about access to, and the quality of disability services for children and youth up until the age of 21.
Manitoba Advocate for Children and Youth (MACY) want to know the issues, barriers, and challenges facing your child and family. The survey questions ask about your child's demographics and disability-related needs, services received, respite, care coordination, daycare/school-experience, and specialized living situations. There are also questions about services during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Please take the time and use your voice here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FMVCTZ2 They will use the information you submit to make a report and recommend changes to improve disability services for children, youth, and young adults in Manitoba. "For many children with disabilities This past Thursday the 3rd of September, brought accessible golf to Crescent Drive golf course. Where Teo, Evan, and Paul all participated in a round of golf, hitting a couple pars along the way! The day was a great way to get out and get some exercise before the weather gets to cold! The goal is to get out on the course one more time before the season ends! If this is something that interests you, don't hesitate to reach out to Josh at;
[email protected] or (431)-998-2118 As the summer draws to a close people are trying to make the most of the weather before the cold hits. This was exactly the case last Saturday in Morden MB, where challenger baseball took the mound to showcase their program to great success. People of all ages and abilities were able to come out and try their hand at the sport. Congratulations to the organizers on an fantastic showcase and event!!
If you are interested in playing challenger baseball go to: www.leaguelineup.com/challengerbaseballmanitoba Its getting close to that time of year again, as the weather gets colder the itch to get on the ice gets stronger!
With that being said we are moving forward with the 2020-2021 Sledge hockey season. Registration forms will be sent out next week, with the season beginning on October 18th for all levels. Keep your eyes out for more information in the coming weeks! A few days ago we posted the time trials done by the novice and novice plus groups at the 2020 Sledge Hockey camp. Now it is time to give some attention to the Intermediate group from the camp! The intermediate athletes skated around the entire rink from hash marks to hash marks. Alyssa clocked in with the fasted time 23.92! While coaches saw the biggest improvement from Gianluca and Christian, shedding off 7.6 seconds, and 5.47 seconds respectively!! Well done everyone we can't wait to see you all this season! Check out this great video the Sledgehammers made over the summer, staying connected even during covid!
GO SLEDGEHAMMERS! https://www.dropbox.com/s/0giu8alm1lbglxr/Sledge4.mp4?dl=0 |
Check out our video!Welcome to Sledge Hockey Manitoba's website! Updates regarding sledge hockey and other sporting opportunities will be found on this page. Looking for some specific information? Use the navigation bar at the top of the website!
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